Friday 4 March 2016


Theory Evaluation

In my current project I have been focusing on completing my project on InDesign of creating a webpage, which included images, interests, ambitions, videos I had produced and an online CV. By using the InDesign software, I created 5 pages that allowed me to change the bleed to make the page requirements to make the webpage the perfect size. I planned out my design in detail so creating it digitally wouldn’t take so long but I didn’t choose my images I was going to use so that took me longer than expected and also didn’t use pictures of me as I wanted to use images that either represent my personality or myself in some way as I thought this will be more interesting and give me a wider range of images I could use instead. When choosing a target audience for my webpage I wanted to make it as true to myself as I could so I aimed it at a female teenage range just due to the colours I chose to use and my hobbies/interest may resonate more with females rather than males. Also, my fonts were a big point of my target audience as I didn’t want to use them normal fonts (for example Cambria – body) that everyone uses as I want to make my webpage different so I therefore used a more professional looking font (Papyrus – Regular) that I feel represented me and what I was trying to get across well. When creating this webpage i learn't many skills for example being able to draw and anotate my designs in my sketchbook in-depth and make sure that it was easy to follow. Also, when filming i was able to direct and make sure everything was going to plan, where in photography i was able to take many photos and put them together by locating areas that looked familiar after taking them.

This is a screenshot of my homepage of my website where my images should be placed.

This is a screen shot of the font I chose to use for my website.

When receiving my audience feedback, I received a number of constructive comments along with a number of positive comments for my Documentary. The negative comments mostly all consisted with the sound aspect for example I quote “Voiceover could have been more audible – was quiet in places, music was very loud” which I will take on board and make sure I work on it so this problem doesn’t accrue again. On the other hand, the positive comments included things like “Finished on a good note” and “Good variety of questions” which I am happy with as these are what I worked hard on the planning parts e.g. Questions and also trying to make it entertaining and educational all at once.

Evidence of feedback:

Also, when completing my contextual research in advance to my production I came to realise that with the topic I had chosen this research wouldn’t benefit me in a big way or even at all! In the future I will do a lot more research at the start of the project and maybe it all come together easier rather than forcing it to help when it doesn’t. However, my pre-production research was effective and helpful compared to my contextual research as this is what i kept going back and referring to! In the future i would like to do the pre-production in more detail as this is what helped the most.

Production Pitch

Friday 22 January 2016

Legal and Ethical Research

Legal- The law can't be changed and he had to do what he was doing and fight even if he was affaired and scared to do this. 

Ethical- You can see in this picture the fear in his face of what he is having to do when fighting! This effects the audience in what they feel it's wrong to be having to do but they have to do it.

Thursday 21 January 2016

Trash or Treasure Analysis

Trash or Treasure?
The lead in the start of an article that engage the reader. This is located in the article. They have used a lead in this article to make it unique and different yet sill relating to the topic. 

By lines is at the start or end of the article and is the author’s name. This is located in the article. They have used by lines in this article, as the writer of this article deserves credit for his work.

Drop capitals is a big capital letter at the beginning of a section of text. This is located in the article. They have used drop capitals in this article, as this shows where the article begins.

Pull quote is an enlarged quote from the story that appears in the text. This is not located in the article. They haven’t used pull quotes in this article, but this is a preview of what the text is going to be about.

Gutters is a blank space between two pages in the margin. This is located in the article. They have used gutters in this article, as this is because then the text and images are spaced out rather than the whole text being unreadable.

Body copy/text is writing that makes up the main body body of an article instead of headlines. This is located in the article. They have used body copy/text in this article, as this is everything you read from the article.

Main headline is a phrase that summarises the whole article in one point in large print. This is located in the article. They have used main headline in this article, as this is what draws the audience’s attention and make them want to read the whole story.

Folio is located at the top of the page and can relate to the area being covered. This is located in the article. They have used folio in this article, as this makes them aware of what they are reading.

Subheading / strapline is a subheading in the article. This is located in the article. They have used subheading / strapline in this article, as this is what would sell the product.

Kicker is the first sentence of a story’s lead. This is located in the article. They have used kicker is this article, as this is the first line of the whole article.

Indent – start is a block of text further from the margin than the main part. This is located in the article. They have used indent – start in this article, as this wasn’t important in this article.

Caption is a brief description of a photograph or a graphic. This is located in the article. They have used caption in this article, as explains what the photograph and what it stands for.

Trash Or Treasure Image

Old Documentary Analysis

Documentary Analysis
Student name: Rebecca Challis                       
Documentary title, director, year: 7 Up (1964)
Continuity;  diegesis; location, set, studio/set design; costume; properties; ambient lighting; artificial lighting; production design period/era; colour design.

  • About 14 different kids who all come from different environments and have different upbringing come and the camera’s follow them around and show you what they do day-to-day.
  • Set in the UK.
  • Artificial lighting is used.
  • The boys were in smart shirts and ties and the girls is skirts and dresses (well dressed)
  • Set in school
  • Imagination is important they imagine things were now we don’t have to imagine we can go and buy them

Camera Angle, Shot, Movement and Position:
Establishing shot; master shot; close-up (and variations); long shot; wide shot; two-shot; high angle; low angle; aerial shot; point of view; pan; crane; tilt; track; dolly; zoom/reverse zoom; framing; composition; hand-held; steadicam.

  • Hand-held you can see when the boy is running you get the effect as you feel like your running with him or as him.
  • Medium angle (you can see the emotion on their faces)
  • Pan (on the playground)
  • Zoom/reverse zoom

Sound and vision editing – continunity-discontinuity-montage editing; transitions (cut; fade; wipe; dissolve); long/short takes; superimpose; slow/fast motion; synchronous/asynchronous, soundtrack; theme; tune; incidental music; sound effects; ambient sound; narration; dialogue; voiceover; mode of address/direct address; diegetic/non-diegetic; contrapuntual.

·       Ambient sound (Voiceover)
·       Soundtrack
·       Diegetic sound
·       Transitions (cut)
·       Continuity editing

Special Effects:
Graphics; captions; computer generated images (CGI); animation; pyrotechnics; stunts; models; back projection.

  • Very basic no special effects are used

Characterisation and narrative:
Protagonist/antagonist; role; linear/non-linear; equilibrium/disequilibrium; single-strand/multi-strand; point of view; narration.

  • Linear
  • Multi-strand (14 children)

Positive/negative; accurate/inaccurate; balanced/imbalanced; stereotypes; true/untrue  

·       Positive – it shows how different it was to be 7 years old in the early 1960’s compared to the early 2000’s where kids are growing up surrounded by technology and rather then taking to someone they text them and lose the social aspect of it.
·       True

·       Stereotypes – The kids that go to public schools all talk about fighting and that’s their exercises, where the boarding schools are doing ballet for their excises and its more formal.