Friday 4 March 2016


Theory Evaluation

In my current project I have been focusing on completing my project on InDesign of creating a webpage, which included images, interests, ambitions, videos I had produced and an online CV. By using the InDesign software, I created 5 pages that allowed me to change the bleed to make the page requirements to make the webpage the perfect size. I planned out my design in detail so creating it digitally wouldn’t take so long but I didn’t choose my images I was going to use so that took me longer than expected and also didn’t use pictures of me as I wanted to use images that either represent my personality or myself in some way as I thought this will be more interesting and give me a wider range of images I could use instead. When choosing a target audience for my webpage I wanted to make it as true to myself as I could so I aimed it at a female teenage range just due to the colours I chose to use and my hobbies/interest may resonate more with females rather than males. Also, my fonts were a big point of my target audience as I didn’t want to use them normal fonts (for example Cambria – body) that everyone uses as I want to make my webpage different so I therefore used a more professional looking font (Papyrus – Regular) that I feel represented me and what I was trying to get across well. When creating this webpage i learn't many skills for example being able to draw and anotate my designs in my sketchbook in-depth and make sure that it was easy to follow. Also, when filming i was able to direct and make sure everything was going to plan, where in photography i was able to take many photos and put them together by locating areas that looked familiar after taking them.

This is a screenshot of my homepage of my website where my images should be placed.

This is a screen shot of the font I chose to use for my website.

When receiving my audience feedback, I received a number of constructive comments along with a number of positive comments for my Documentary. The negative comments mostly all consisted with the sound aspect for example I quote “Voiceover could have been more audible – was quiet in places, music was very loud” which I will take on board and make sure I work on it so this problem doesn’t accrue again. On the other hand, the positive comments included things like “Finished on a good note” and “Good variety of questions” which I am happy with as these are what I worked hard on the planning parts e.g. Questions and also trying to make it entertaining and educational all at once.

Evidence of feedback:

Also, when completing my contextual research in advance to my production I came to realise that with the topic I had chosen this research wouldn’t benefit me in a big way or even at all! In the future I will do a lot more research at the start of the project and maybe it all come together easier rather than forcing it to help when it doesn’t. However, my pre-production research was effective and helpful compared to my contextual research as this is what i kept going back and referring to! In the future i would like to do the pre-production in more detail as this is what helped the most.

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