Sunday, 29 November 2015

New Documentary Analysis

Documentary Analysis
Documentary title, director, year: The Hunt, Thomas Vinterberg, 2015
Continuity;  diegesis; location, set, studio/set design; costume; properties; ambient lighting; artificial lighting; production design period/era; colour design.

Ø  This documentary was filmed in a number of different locations for example Australia and Madagascar

Ø  It has a number of different shots including long shots, close ups and establishing shots to get every angle of the animals doing what they do through the day

Ø  Artificial lighting was used throughout the documentary as it was filmed in a natural setting outside in the habitats of the animals

Ø  The colour design was all natural and not edited at anytime  

Camera Angle, Shot, Movement and Position:
Establishing shot; master shot; close-up (and variations); long shot; wide shot; two-shot; high angle; low angle; aerial shot; point of view; pan; crane; tilt; track; dolly; zoom/reverse zoom; framing; composition; hand-held; steadicam.

Ø  Position- held hand, tripod these we used when they were filming the crocodiles as this took a long time to receive there foods

Ø  Movement- Zoom/reverse zoom

Ø  Camera angles- Long shot, Establishing shot, High/low angles, Point of view shot, Pan, Wide shot

Sound and vision editing – continunity-discontinuity-montage editing; transitions (cut; fade; wipe; dissolve); long/short takes; superimpose; slow/fast motion; synchronous/asynchronous, soundtrack; theme; tune; incidental music; sound effects; ambient sound; narration; dialogue; voiceover; mode of address/direct address; diegetic/non-diegetic; contrapuntual.

Ø  Dialogue was used throughout when they were talking about the animals and what’s going to happen next.

Ø  Ambient as when they were filming by the river you could hear the animals in the background doing what they normally do.

Ø  Diegetic sound used as no sound is created/come from anywhere else its all natural sound which you can tell when watching the documentary.

Ø  Long/short takes where used when you watch the animals hunting/attacking there prey.

Characterisation and narrative:
Protagonist/antagonist; role; linear/non-linear; equilibrium/disequilibrium; single-strand/multi-strand; point of view; narration.

Ø  Protagonist/Antagonist roles were shown throughout the documentary between the prey and the predators when they are trying to get food for their family or trying the protect them.

Ø  Linear was used as it always went together well and didn’t seem like it was filmed then put together randomly.

Ø  Point of view was used as the main focus were animals and so they used a singular voice to make it simple and not too confusing for the viewing eyes.

Positive/negative; accurate/inaccurate; balanced/imbalanced; stereotypes; true/untrue  

Ø  It’s positive as it is full with information you may not know about a range of different animals and what they do/go through on a day to day basis.

Ø  Also, it’s true because you can tell it isn’t made up in anyway which means it educational.

Ø  It’s balanced because it shows all sides of the animals for example when some animals hunt its not for fun its just to feed them and sometimes their young when they have it.

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